The benefits of an email newsletter for b2b companies

B2B marketing takes time because more people tend to be involved in the decision-making process. Email newsletters sent at regular intervals keep your company top of mind and your relationship strong while that slower sale is underway. Numbers back this up: 99% of consumers check their email daily and prefer getting updates and information that way. 81% of B2B marketers use email newsletters and 59% of those marketers believe email is their most successful tool for securing and keeping customers.

Besides keeping you and your company fresh in people’s minds, why else is the email newsletter a stellar choice?

Low cost and high effect

Emails are cost-effective. Your design, printing, and postage budget can be low. You need a reliable email service provider and a robust (and ever-growing) email list. Once you have those, getting your newsletter into people’s inboxes is basically free. The larger your list, the higher your ROI.

Easy to measure

Email newsletters can be quickly measured for success, which is based on open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. As a result, you can study these analytics and effectively pinpoint components and strategies that need to be changed.  

Easy to automate

You can set up automated email campaigns that are set to move into action when your subscribers do something specific, like click through to your website.

Drive traffic and engagement

If your newsletter is both well-written and well-designed, it can inspire people reading it to click through to specific website pages, webinars, or events. Sign-up forms are useful, as are lead magnets, like a trial subscription, a free consultation, or a sample.

Brand awareness and authority

B2B goods and services are harder to understand than their B2C counterparts. By being a consistently information-rich addition to your customers’ inboxes, you can build trust with them. Sharing useful content, trends, tips, and timely news gives you credibility, making you a thought leader in your industry. Your brand can be the go-to source for clients and potential clients, only you are going to them, which is even better. You’ll be in a better position to land clients, repeat business, and referrals.

Personal touch

This is a big one. Customizing email newsletters becomes especially useful when you’re doing business with B2B companies, because they have a more complicated buying process, often involving multiple people. You can send tailored emails to the people in charge of each stage of the process. Email marketing tools allow you to segment your newsletters, so you can make your content relevant to specific groups of people. The more people feel like you’re directly communicating with them, the more they’ll want to communicate back. You can target different subsets of your email list based on industry, job title, and location. Or you can segment your list to account for new customers, customers who are occasional buyers, and repeat customers. 

Newsletters are an excellent way to build real and lasting relationships with customers. While a paid ad, sponsorship, or social media blast gets your customers’ eyes for a minute, newsletters get into their hands. Another way of putting that? You’re building a connection with your customers that is intentional (on your part and theirs), giving you much more control.