Expertise & Thought Leadership in Newsletters

It’s just a fact. Newsletters give you much more control over your marketing than any other form. You don’t know who will actually see your Facebook page. You don’t have a say in whether TikTok is banned or not. Relying on another platform to deliver your marketing is tricky. It’s a third party with no real stake in your business, and as a result, your messaging gets diluted. You’re too far away from your (potential) customers. In contrast, a newsletter is a straight line to them. You can personalize it too.

And it’s a clear way to build expertise.

Newsletters can deliver relevant information about your product, offer practical how-to guides, create carefully selected resources, and cutting edge news about your industry. Your customers will trust you, remain loyal, and even seek you out because of the knowledge and expertise you deliver in your newsletter. 

A foundational piece of this expertise is establishing thought leadership. You know the latest trends, studies, and facts about your industry, but you also have a unique perspective and innovative ideas. You think outside the box. You look to the future and have plans on how to shape it. 

Thought leadership looks like:

Exclusive content

Yes, you’re up to date on the critical facts and figures of your industry, but you’re also comfortable giving your point of view on it all. This makes your content new and exciting.

Strong opinions (and sometimes the courage to admit you were wrong)

You go out on a limb and share your beliefs and your take on things. You hold these with conviction—unless you learn otherwise, and then you have no problem admitting making a mistake. Having a solid point of view and the humility to change it will draw your customers closer.


Those strong opinions are backed by good, hard data. This means you stay on top of industry updates and studies. Google alerts becomes a useful tool.

Patience over time

Finally, hunker down for the long haul. Thought leadership can’t happen overnight because it is made of consistent acquisition of knowledge. Create long term goals so you know where you want to go, and then stick to a schedule that is sustainable. A once a month newsletter? A biweekly one? 

The more you dig down into your industry, the more you grow your expertise. The more you trust your instincts, the more visionary you’ll become. A newsletter is a fantastic place to track and house that powerful process.